Hello fellow blogger friends!
So i have loved Polyvore for a long time now, but it's only now that
i have been truly enjoying it.
Polyvore is a very famous web site so i am sure you girls & guys know
about it, but i thought it would be fun to share my thoughts about
On polyvore you can search different "sets" and get ideas on what to
wear for example. You can also be the person to make
the sets, which i suggest you do because it's so much fun. It's
like window shopping, but on the internet!
I have made sets on Polyvore , like the one you can see on top. I love it,
because i feel like i am shopping while making a set, but it's for
FREE! If you love fashion, then you are going to adore this site.
There's always some kind contests that you can join, where you can
win pretty cool prizes.
Some of my favorite people there are the following:
¤ PETA because all their sets are cruelty free. I try to make sets
that are cruelty free too. But it is hard to find them, so i just
pick the clothes i like ( but in real life i only use vegan stuff,yay vegans!).
¤ giselled because she is my internet friend and has an awesome
fashion sense. ( check out her Youtube channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/GiselleMusicOfficial )
Thank you so much for reading, and check out the site!
// Aria