onsdag den 21. december 2011
DIY Christmas tree star
Hello everybody!
I have made a Christmas series. This is video 1, how to make the materials needed to make a Christmas tree star, the 2nd video is about the body of the star and the 3rd is all about the decoration of the star.
I hope you all will have an amazing Christmas and happy new year!
// Aria
tirsdag den 20. december 2011
Fashion series : Christmas time
Hello everyone!
It's almost Christmas and i am so excited.
I made a set on Polyvore inspired by x'mas. I would love to own everything in this set =).
I feel like you can never go wrong with a red dress and some red lips for Christmas. Really simple but also very cute.
Merry Christmas to everyone!
// Aria
tirsdag den 29. november 2011
Vegan food series: Simple Raw restaurant
Hello Everyone!
The other week me and my mom went to a vegan restaurant called Simple Raw here in Denmark. Go and check out their website ( but the website is in danish, so if you can't understand danish, then i'm sorry but if you want, you are all welcome to ask me any questions, and i'll try my best to answer them ) ! =) .It was the first time i have ever been to a vegan restaurant, and i was so excited to finally try it out. And my mom was excited as well because for the first time in a while she did not have to cook our lunch, haha...Sometimes it's hard being vegan, especially here in Denmark where there are almost no vegan restaurants. Other countries like USA and UK are lucky because they have so many vegan restaurants and vegan cheese, vegan meat, and more. =). I have been vegan for about 4 months ( but i started experimenting veganism in September last year, 2010).And i will continue to be vegan forever! =).
Alright let me tell you about this wonderful restaurant...
On the picture above you can see what me and my mom ordered. I get hungry just looking at it =). There was so much food to choose from.
On the picture above you can see a very green salad. The ingredients are avocado, cherry tomatoes, spinach, with sunflower seeds and white sesame seeds tossed in apple-ginger dressing. The salad tastes amazing. When you first taste it, it may taste a little strong because of the apple-ginger dressing, but after a while it goes away. I love that there's a sweet/sour taste to it. And one thing i really loved is that the veggies are so fresh tasting, as if they just harvested it =).Don't eat this salad alone though, because it may look like a little, but it will make you full so fast, promise! So share it with someone else, i shared it with my mom. That's also another thing i love about vegan food, you don't have to eat a lot of food to feel full and complete. So this salad gets a 9/10!
This is Espresso, with almond milk which my mom ordered. This can actually also be served with cow's milk. It's the only food or drink that's not vegan, don't know why they included cow's milk when it's a vegan restaurant...Ohh, well... My mom loved this drink, i don't drink coffee but i tried it and i did not love it.But you can't love everything, right? But it looks very pretty =) So this gets 8/10.
Alright now, on to the desserts! MY favorite part =)
This is the raw lemon cheese cake. My mom ordered this and she loved it. Cheese cakes used to be my mom's favorite junk food, and when we became vegan, she had a hard time, not having it. So when we finally found this restaurant with vegan cheese cakes, my mom got so happy! =). I loved this cheese cake as well. It tastes very lemony and fresh.And so sweet. yummy... Grade : 10/10 !!!
This is absolutely my favorite food we ordered. It's the triple chocolate cake.mm... I can still remember the chocolaty taste. When i first tasted it, my eyes got so big, and i had a huge smile on my face. It was so amazing.And the texture was so soft and creamy. LOved it =). Grade : 10000000000/10000000000 =)
Now let's talk about the looks of the restaurant:
It may be a little difficult to find Simple Raw because you can barley see the Simple Raw sign on top of the restaurant. But it's worth looking for. I love the architecture of the building. It looks very clean and royal like.
When you step in Simple Raw you will see that it's very small and cozy, kind of like you're home in your living room. I think it looks so cute with all the wood. And the chairs are very comfy too.
the tables are so cute!
So all in all we had an amazing time at Simple Raw, and i totally recommend it to everyone, even non-vegans =).
Thanks for reading!
// Aria
søndag den 13. november 2011
My skin care routine
Hey everybody!
Today's post i'm going to tell you my day/night skin routine, hope you enjoy!
Every product is from the Tea Tree skin care line from The Body Shop.
I discovered these products summer of 2011. I read about the products from a magazine and i knew i wanted to try it out.
This line is for oily and acne prone skin, which my skin is.
So let me tell you about the products!
Tea Tree skin clearing Facial wash:
I use this everyday and night.
I love this face wash because it does not dry my skin out, it feels so refreshing when you use it.
The consistency is very creamy and soft. It's much better to use a face wash then to use normal soap, because soap can break you out ( it broke me out a lot when i used regular soap on my face).
How to use it :
It's very easy to use, use it just like a normal soap.
Wet your face, rub it gently into your skin, wash it of, and dry!
Tea Tree Blackhead exfoliating wash :
Love this product so much.
I use it every morning of the week. I have very sensitive skin so at first i thought it would be to harsh on my skin, i use this every day, and it's not! The product is very gentle and smells awesome too =)
My blackheads have reduced a lot, especially around my nose area.
How to use it :
Wet your face, rub the scrub gently into your skin, and wash it of!
I use a electric tooth brush to rub the scrub into my skin ( Learned by Michelle Phan ) , i find it works much better when you use the electric tooth brush then with just your hands.
Tea Tree skin clearing foaming cleanser:
This is so cool, because in the bottle the products consistency is like water and when you push out the product it turns into foam!
I use this product every morning and nigh, except on Saturday nights.
Love this product so much, the oil on my skin has lessened, without drying out my skin.
How to use it :
Put the product on a cotton pad and distribute it all around your face. Do not wash it of just let the product dry into your skin.
Tea Tree face mask:
I use this every Saturday night. Only use this once a week, because masks can dry out your skin if you use it too often ( but sometime i use it more than one a week, for example when i feel stressed).
It is very relaxing while the mask is on your face.
When you put on the mask your face will feel warm, and then cold.
This mask is so amazing, this is the best product of this line i think.
How to use it:
put the product on clean fingers and distribute it on your dry face. Let it dry on your face for about 20 minutes. It kind of feels like you are at the spa, haha...
After 20 minutes wash the product of your face, and dry.
Tea tree skin clearing lotion:
This lotion is so amazing because it makes your skin feel so refreshed and smooth.
And my acne has reduced so much because of this.
How to use it:
Rub the product gently on your face, and let it dry.
When i use them :
Monday - Friday and Sunday ( Saturday mornings) Saturdays (nights)
Face wash Face wash
Scrub Mask
Tonic Lotion
After doing all these steps your skin will feel so smooth and clean, i truly love it and totally recommend it to all you oily and acne prone people. =)
Thanks for reading and have an awesome week!
// Aria
tirsdag den 1. november 2011
October Random Favorites! ( Les Choristes, Jean Baptiste Maunier, France)
Hey Everybody!
I've decided to make a random favorites blog post today!
But before i start i have to warn you, it almost all about french music, and France it self =).hehe.
So on the top of my October random favorite list is :
Les Choristes
I watched this movie last week in my french class, and i just fell in love with the movie...
The movie is about a school in France where bad behaved boys live and study and there is a new teacher ( who will teach them all to sing). The movie is not a musical but there is a lot of beautiful singing in it. I don't want to spoil anything because i think you should watch it yourself, i promise it's worth your time! =).
The songs in the movie is amazing. I listen to them everyday on my way to school, while doing my homework and more...My personal favorite is "Vois Sur Ton Chemin". And a good tip is while doing your french homework listen to the songs in this movie, it has really helped me a lot with my pronunciation =).
While watching the movie i fell in love with the lead role young Pierre ( Jean Baptiste Maunier). His voice was just so amazing and his acting skills...wow. I was so shocked.
And the second on my October random favorite list is :
Jean Baptiste Maunier
Jean ( also called JB) played young Pierre in Les Choristes. As i said i fell in love with him while watching the show. I was just so shocked of how amazing his voice was ( and still is ). And i'm following him on twitter ( @OfficialJeanBM ) and i noticed how much time he spends on his fans ( i'm one of them =) ). And i really love it when singers/actors do that. And he is really cute too =).
My third favorite is :
France and their language
I have always thought french was a beautiful language, but now i have gotten really obsessed with becoming fluent in french. Everyday i listen to the soundtrack of "Les Choristes" and listen to french interviews with JB ( Jean Baptiste Maunier). I have not been there yet, but it's my dream to visit someday...
I have been taken french class for about 2 years now, so i can understand some french. But it's really hard to learn a new language if you don't speak it everyday, and that why i decided to listen to french music ( and sing it when i'm alone and no one can hear,hehe..). France also have so many artistic things there too. I love art a lot, all kinds of art, weather it's music, beauty, dancing, theater, movies, drawings...anything...
(I feel like art is one of the most important things there is).
My fourth favorite is :
Making Youtube videos
I never though making beauty/art/cooking videos would be so much fun. I have known about Youtube for about 4 years now, but it's only now that i made my own videos. Making beauty/art videos is so amazing, and every time someone leave a nice comment i just feel so happy and complete...=).
I just love it.
And making cooking videos with my mom is also awesome! Love spending time with my mom.
So i Hope everybody are having a nice day and i'm looking forward to the next blog post!
// Aria
I've decided to make a random favorites blog post today!
But before i start i have to warn you, it almost all about french music, and France it self =).hehe.
So on the top of my October random favorite list is :
Les Choristes
I watched this movie last week in my french class, and i just fell in love with the movie...
The movie is about a school in France where bad behaved boys live and study and there is a new teacher ( who will teach them all to sing). The movie is not a musical but there is a lot of beautiful singing in it. I don't want to spoil anything because i think you should watch it yourself, i promise it's worth your time! =).
The songs in the movie is amazing. I listen to them everyday on my way to school, while doing my homework and more...My personal favorite is "Vois Sur Ton Chemin". And a good tip is while doing your french homework listen to the songs in this movie, it has really helped me a lot with my pronunciation =).
While watching the movie i fell in love with the lead role young Pierre ( Jean Baptiste Maunier). His voice was just so amazing and his acting skills...wow. I was so shocked.
And the second on my October random favorite list is :
Jean Baptiste Maunier
My third favorite is :
France and their language
I have always thought french was a beautiful language, but now i have gotten really obsessed with becoming fluent in french. Everyday i listen to the soundtrack of "Les Choristes" and listen to french interviews with JB ( Jean Baptiste Maunier). I have not been there yet, but it's my dream to visit someday...
I have been taken french class for about 2 years now, so i can understand some french. But it's really hard to learn a new language if you don't speak it everyday, and that why i decided to listen to french music ( and sing it when i'm alone and no one can hear,hehe..). France also have so many artistic things there too. I love art a lot, all kinds of art, weather it's music, beauty, dancing, theater, movies, drawings...anything...
(I feel like art is one of the most important things there is).
My fourth favorite is :
Making Youtube videos
I never though making beauty/art/cooking videos would be so much fun. I have known about Youtube for about 4 years now, but it's only now that i made my own videos. Making beauty/art videos is so amazing, and every time someone leave a nice comment i just feel so happy and complete...=).
I just love it.
And making cooking videos with my mom is also awesome! Love spending time with my mom.
So i Hope everybody are having a nice day and i'm looking forward to the next blog post!
// Aria
How to make raw Popsicles for Halloween!!
Hey everyone!
And Happy Halloween!
So this video is a little late but better late than never, right? =)
I love these Popsicles, i think they taste just like the ones you buy at the grocery.
They were also very fun to make.
Have an amazing Halloween!
// Aria
torsdag den 27. oktober 2011
Breast cancer awareness month nails inspired by Love4nails
Hello Everyone!
I made this video inspired by Love4nails.
Because it's breast cancer awareness month i wanted to show my support by making a video.
Hope you guys liked it =)
// Aria
mandag den 17. oktober 2011
Montagne Jeunesse sensitive skin masque review
Montagne Jeunesse sensitive skin masque
About 1 - 2 weeks ago i discovered one of the most amazing masks i have ever tried!
For months i have seen the Montagne Jeunesse masks in the beauty stores but i never bought it.
Then a few weeks ago my mom asked me if i wanted to buy one mask and of course i said yes!
So happy she did that because when i took a closer look at the mask shelves i read what the ingredients were, and look if the masks are animal tested.
Because i always check if there is any animal testing involved because i would hate to buy a product that has contributed to animal cruelty.
Anyways i was so happy so see that the masks are not animal tested and that it is actually vegetarian standard, Bauv approved and PETA approved ( which you can't see on the masks but it says that it's PETA approved on their website ). I'm also vegan so it's nice to find products that are friendly to the animals and environment.
So i obviously ended up buying a mask and it's the sensitive skin masque.
And there are two parts to this mask nr.1 the mask it self and nr.2 the moisturizing serum with rehydrating ceramides.
It is super fun to put the creamy mask on your face which leaves you skin feeling so smooth and refreshed!
One of the main things i love about the mask is that it does not make your face feel dry afterwards which other masks may make you feel.
Then after washing the mask of your face you are going to use the serum which i love!
The serum makes your face feel so smooth and fresh!
Another thing i love about this mask is that the faces on the package are to cool. Look the eyes are flowers! =)
Montagne Jeunesse website info and recommendations :
I love their website. It has tons of information about their fab products.
And on their website they always have so many fun contests that you can join and possibly win some free goodies!
You can also apply to be in the beauty panel, which i have done.
When you apply you will be asked some questions and things like that. Every month you will be entered in a contest and you may win some cool beauty tings from. And sometimes if you want they will send you products that you will review for them on your blog, youtube channel...
It's really fun.
This mask was not given to me i bought it with my own money.
Hope you guys will try this mask and i'll see you next time!
// Aria
lørdag den 8. oktober 2011
Nail art tutorial FAIL!
Hello Everybody!
If you have read my latest tweets then you probably know that i tried to film a new nail art tutorial yesterday evening.
But as you can see on the pictures i did not succeed...
I was not happy with the results and to make it worse my polish on my thumb smudged...
I think it's also the nail polish fault because the orange polish used was too thick and hard to work with, but it was mostly my fault.
And i don't want to upload videos that i don't like.
I want to give you guys the best kind of videos i can make and that was not my best.
I'm going to try to film another video tonight and let's hope i succeed =)
thanks for understanding
// Aria
mandag den 3. oktober 2011
New ideas...
Hey Everybody!
I have a new idea that i can do on this blog.
I still want to review beauty products and do fashion posts, but i also want to add something more...
I'm thinking of adding health blogs,and reviews on other random things i love.
If you guys did not know i own 2 channels on Youtube.
One of them is a beauty/art channel called Artandbeautyfreak .
On that channel i post drawing and nail art tutorials.I love making videos there =)
Then my 2nd channel i actually share with my mom.
Our channel is called Naturallyvegan011 .
On that channel we post videos where we show you guys how to make healthy and yummy vegan foods. My mom is the one cooking, and i'm the one editing.
Hope you guys will like these future blogs =)
// Aria
søndag den 25. september 2011
PETA cruelty free list inspired fashion/beauty
I'm vegan.
And i love animals.
So when i go to the mall to shop clothes, accessories or beauty products i check carefully if it's animal tested or if any animals where harmed in any way.
On PETA's website there's a list that contains non animal tested companies. It is very helpful because now i know what products i can buy.
hope you check their website out!
PETA's non animal tested list : http://www.peta.org/living/beauty-and-personal-care/companies/search.aspx?Testing=0&Range=5&PageIndex=2
// Aria
onsdag den 21. september 2011
Alyssa Milano Style
Alyssa is an amazing actress, model and person.
I know i don't personally know her so i can't really say that she's an amazing person, but she does so much for the animals and the world. She's changed my life.
Some of you may know she's dyslectic and so am i and before i knew her i did not think it was possible to be super successful when you can't spell and read things correctly. But she proved me wrong.
You can do anything you just have to do your best and work hard.
Her style is awesome too. I love everything she wears. She's so girly but she still wears hoodies and jeans sometimes, which i love.
She's also vegan just like me, we have a lot in common, which is another reason why i love her. I feel so connected to her, like i know her, even if i don't.
I could probably write hundreds of pages why i love Alyssa Milano.
In this set she's wearing a yellow summer dress ( she looks stunning in it! ) with very simple make-up and maybe some bronzer. In the picture on the top left her hair looks so shiny and voluminous, with an amazing and beautiful smile =).
And in the picture in the middle she's wearing a hoodie with some jeans.Very simple and very pretty.
Thanks for reading.
And if you Alyssa are reading this i just want to say you're an amazing person and keep doing what you do =)
// Aria
Fall Fashion ( new blog post idea!)
Hey guys!
I thought about something new i can do on this blog.
I think it would be fun to make fashion blogs ( i make the sets on Polyvore ) .
Because i not only love beauty but fashion too.
So this first fashion blog post is a fall fashion inspired look.
I think a vintage dress with lace leggings and a bolero is so cute for fall.
I would personally wear this when going to the mall, and maybe even to school.
The knit beanie is also good to wear with some loose curly hair. And because it's getting colder it's good to keep your head warm, and that's also why i choose a scarf too.
Then for the shoes i kept it very simple with some dark red ballet shoes.
The accessories are very fall looking too, the bracelet and the necklace even has leaves on them. The necklace is worn under the scarf so that when you're inside and you take off the scarf you still have s cute necklace underneath.
For make-up it's very simple with some light red lipstick.
Hope you like this kind of blogs
Have a great day,
// Aria
søndag den 18. september 2011
Halloween Nails!!!
I made this video a while back.
I think wearing this nail art on Halloween would be awesome!
Can't wait!
Hope you guys liked it!
onsdag den 14. september 2011
OPI Katy Perry's collection "Last Friday Night"
I got this OPI nail polish for my 17th birthday! I love this polish, but the only downside to it is that it's super sheer.In this picture i had to put 3 coats to make it opaque. I suggest you guys put a blue polish underneath this polish.
I wish i had the other colors in Katy Perry's collection.
It has thousands of silver,blue and green glitters. So pretty!
lørdag den 10. september 2011
Mariah Carey's perfume review
Hey everybody!!
I know what i can post here on this blog now =)
I can do reviews and maybe hauls and other info. Because i feel it's a little hard to do that on my Youtube channel.
So this is officially my first review!!!
I got this perfume from my mom as a gift.
This perfume is a little different from what i usually buy.
The smell of the perfume is a little bit more grown up and a romantic/evening scent (but i use it even in the morning or any other time of the day)
I love this perfume and the bottle is just adorable with the cute little butterfly on top.
Mariah's other perfumes are probably just as great so i totally recommend that you guys check it out =)
Another thing i love about it is that it's not animal tested and that is very important to me
Hope you guys try this out and i will see you next time!
// Aria
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